Easter Bunny
runs hopes sleeps
runs around very fast
Easter Bunny
runs hopes sleeps
runs around very fast
One day I was i n my big brick house watching TV in my playroom when I wanted to draw Perry The Platapus. I’d never drawn before, but something told me i;d get it right it right. So I got out my Art set that I got for Christmas and did the best I could. After four devistating days I finaly completed my picture. My parents said it looked as if it were alive. Yes! Yes!Yes! I yelled to myself. I couldn’t belive my luck!
The next day I showed everyone in my third grade class, and they all loved it! I started drawing anything my friends wanted, like Micky Mouse, Cartoons Angry birds, fruit bowls, and animals, but I will never forget the drawing that started it all, and I still have that drawing in my house in a notebook of all my drawings ,and pictures,and I love every single one.
Title: White Snow Bright Snow Author: Alvin Tresselt number of pages: 33
summary: In the night the snow came and covered the world. The next morning the children played, the police got sick, the farmer dug a path to the barn and the postman put on his rubbers. In the spring the police was better, the farmer milked his cow, and the postman enjoyed the sunlight.
More water is vanishing because people are being wastful. We must be careful whith our water, and pratice coservation
When people leave on the water they’re wasting it. We should start turning off the water while brushing ,so we could save more water. It takes a lot of water to make our things, like it takes 700 galons of water to make one cotton shirt, and 24 to make 1pound of plastic. Finaly only play in the sprikler in the morning or night because it will evaporate .
If we follow theese steps we will have a great futer. Save Water!
The best gift I have ever givin was a recliner to my Dad.My mom and I wanted to get my dad recliner so we bought one . We thought it wuld be good.One day my mom said it would be here this afternoon.I couldn’t wait. later, it as there! it was super coufy! My Dad loved it, and we were real happy!
At Walt Disney World Orlando, Florida we stayed at Disney’s Old Key West, and at the pool they had a
giant castle slide! The first day we went to E.P.C.O.T. My favorite ride was Mission Space. The second
day we went to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. My favorite attraction is Honey I Shrunk the Kids, where
ever thing is bigger than you. Magic Kingdom was our next stop. Magic Kingdom is the original Disney
World park, and Walt Disney’s house is the castle! Animal Kingdom was our last stop. The best ride
to me was Dinosaur. After that my parents surprised me and we went to Vero Beach. We went to the
pool every day, and watched The Incredibles, and Under Dog, and we saw 2 baby green sea turtles ,
and we saw them released into the ocean. Then my parents surprised me again, and we went to
NASA! We saw the plan for the new rocket, saw a movie about the Hubble space station, and we saw
space shuttle Endeavour! Then it was sadly time to go home. I loved this trip, and I hope to go again.
I Sean am certain that The United States of these Americans is a true country. Perhaps our country is enough to beat the world in battle ,but over the mountains there might be a weapon that would take over the world ,but not us! Our army,marines,navy seals,navy, and air force shall not rest until they have been defeated! In the end these men and woman may not breath or have pain through their veins,but America shall not fall!
My name is Sean I was born on September 19th. I love Blue and Macroni and Cheese. I love to draw. I have two dogs and five cats. My favorite place to go is Walt Disney World. I am an only child. One day I want to go to Antartica,Germany,scottland an tokeo. When I grow up I want to be a Marine.
Little blue penguins are the smallest of all the penguins.You are most likely to find one on the south cost of Australia and New Zeland. Their main diet are Anchovies,krill and if their lukey Squid.Their eggs have pretotors too. Like cats, dogs sea birds and rats.But parents pretotors are more firce. Like
lepored seals,sharks and people.Little Blue Penguins are not endangerd,about 19 inches tall and do
not migrate. The information and piture were found at facts4me.com.